Tuesday, November 27, 2007

7 Types of Forex Blog That I Read

Here is the list of forex blogs that I read often. I take the courtesy of separating them into different categories which I think best describe their purposes and strength.

#1 Live forex trades & analysis
Tony at fxstreet.com

#2 On the economic front
Adam at forexblog.org
Grace at gracecheng.com
John at upticksfxworld.blogspot.com
Kathy at kathylien.com

#3 On improving trading psychology
Pipslow at babypips.com
Simon at simonsupertrader.blogspot.com

#4 Forex trading with a goal
Chaffcombe at futurestech.com.au
Richard at forexproject.com
Soultrader at soultraderdiary.blogspot.com

#5 Forex daytrading summary
Colin at forexspirit.com
Gav at tradergav.com
Fx at forexintradaytrading.blogspot.com
Jody at j-ongfx.blogspot.com

#6 Forex system review
Brian at forexkungfu.com
CK at ckowyong.com
Hector at hectortrader.com
Wayne at fxstreet.com

#7 On forex learning and trading strategies
Lloyd at scoutforex.com

FYI, I have also included myself in the list. It is my intention to take this opportunity to compare and reflect my real interests and niche in forex trading. If you happen to be a forex blogger too, I would recommend you to do the same. There are always new informative forex blogs springing up somewhere in the blogosphere. If you wish your blog to be known, just post a comment to state which category your blog falls under (e.g. #no, your_name, blog_title, other details). I am happy to have you on the list.


Toovey said...

Great post! Looking forward to going over those blog websites.

My blog is called Forex Kung Fu - it would fall under #6 and #7. My url is:

I am currently reviewing EA's available for MetaTrader and I am also developing a custom platform to trade, as I feel MetaTrader has some shortcomings.

I appreciate the add and look forward to hearing more about your EA in the comming months. Will add you to my blogroll.


Rags Sivan said...

Nice post.You can also visit my blog


jody said...

Nice. I have a blog where I post my trade analysis and tinker with systems. Its a new blog that I just started. Have a look.


מעיין חודדה said...

I agree with your thoughts....... I think that emotion is also

somewhere hindrance in our business ..... and if it is related to forex and Forex Robot also..

then you have to be much strong where you have take your emotion out

from your business.... as competition is very high so you have to give

time to understand your business well as it is constantly changing and

with change you also have to change your thoughts.......