Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Chart From Day Trading Member: GBP/USD +40 & 15 pips (Trades That I Missed Out)

I personally didn't get an automatic entry on the Alpari trading platform with the European 100-pip EA Setup this morning. And I assumed that everyone might have missed out too. Apparently, I was wrong !
Thanks Ordirlei for the above chart, which showed his successful 100-pip trade entry on the Interbank FX platform based on the same setup. Good to know that it wasn't a waste of time and efforts for this morning routine.

Here is another follow-on e-mail discussion from Odirlei regarding his recent experience with other MT4 brokers which you might find useful.
There will be always differences due to data feed. But, if you get enough money, you can trade with Dukascopy and have tighter spreads. They have a proprietary platform where you can translate your EAs to their Java language and trade at the same way that MT4.

There is also ATCBrokers that is trying to bring Hotspot with MT4, but they are working a long time ago and still isn't available. The only issue is to adapt your EA to 6 digits data feed, and here one guy explains how:


FXCM claim to be a No Dealing Desk and is trying to release MT4 too, but some people don't like them, I have no opinion.

Also, FXDD release this week a so called MTXtreme, that seems to be a ECN with MT4 too. They claim spreads low as 0 and charge commission per trade. 10K minimum account and 1 lot minimum trade.

I think competitions between brokers will make a lot of them go to ECN business switching from MT4...

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